'We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope '

Monday 15 October 2012

Living the uni life

Just starting the third week now, and the hard work begins. This afternoon I have 2-6pm of physical geog lectures which should be um fun.. That is if I even get there as I'm sat waiting for R to eat his luncheon. Boys. More to follow, time for geog... X

Friday 28 September 2012

Tomorrow is the day..

... I go to Durham!

Feeling rather excited now although there is still clothes packing to be done. Lots of tears from the little sister last night which was heart breaking. Gonna miss not seeing her practically everyday. But sadly we all have to grow up and move on sometime. Will see her in a few weeks when she comes to visit though :-) Now, to hold off my own tears tomorrow when she waves goodbye!

However, I am excited to get my gown tomorrow and to meet everyone.

Let's begin this next chapter.... x

Sunday 23 September 2012

Final week at home

This time next week I'll just be polishing off my first formal dinner at Durham. Tres exciting!

Gonna be manic week getting everything together and saying my goodbyes but looking forward to it now! My horoscope also sounded promising, suggesting happiness found in new vistas and big change on the horizon.

So here's to the future and the start of a new chapter.. X

Sunday 16 September 2012

ethiopia book finally complete

Alas, my book is finished! Has only taken 2 and a half months... I'm glad I've put it together now as having the photographs is great, but sometimes you want more than that. And some of the memories really do make me smile.

This is one of my favourite pages. Remember that night after the bridge incident only too well! We were all pretty ready for bed, only to be treated to a late night dancing session around a campfire following an alcoholic drink I now know to be called Raki... Not that I need to remind myself but a word of warning to anyone- never ever drink this 45% alcohol drink. Oh the memories!

expect the unexpected x

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Last party before pastures new

How can a person be so tired yet so awake? Sleeping pattern needs to get itself in check ASAP.
However, feeling rather excited for tonight- our last QM party before everyone heads off to pastures new. And none of us will ever be the same really. If we have parties in a few years or even next year, we will all have changed in some way as we have started the new chapter of our lives. It's sad when you realise that now we aren't in class together, there isn't really much to talk about aside from old memories. I can count on my one hand the people I know I will stay in touch with and it sucks, but that's just life. So tonight is all about celebrating our last 7 years together ready to go out and face the world. Because now is our time.

And I am really feeling a good party. They say alcohol is never the answer but it seems to be calling out for tonight. I'm letting go.

Thursday 6 September 2012

long time no speak

Okay, what can I say. It really has been a while! I often say to myself ooh, I know, I should write this on my blog.. but you know what it's like. Time is a funny old thing.

Hmm so what is new? Well, what isn't new since my last post?! Last time I wrote I was still doing those dreaded exams. Even that feels like a lifetime ago now looking back. I then subsequently spent the rest of the summer trying not to think about the lil buggers and everytime my brain started to over-analyse and freak out about looming results I would swiftly tell myself to shut up and do something else. It did work for the large majority of the summer break altho towards the last week prior to R-day (d-day as we called it) I was a little bit all over the place and planning where I would sleep that night if it was bad news... But in hindsight of course I can laugh at myself for worrying like an idiot when I didn't need to but at the time you just can't help it. Your brain is very good at making you doubt yourself! The amounts of time I would make people touch wood when they even slightly mentioned anything to do with uni... I wouldn't even allow myself to google Durham I was so scared of jinxing anything! Perhaps I should not confess to these things online...

But as always, it all worked out of course and I was so so happy. Logging onto track at 7.30am to check my status update I just broke down in tears when I saw I was actually going to Durham. So so happy. Because this is the start of the future, and however scary it may seem it's going to be fab I know.  Then the messages started flooding in as everyone else was checking their own good news which made the day even better as everyone all did so well. Go QM girlies. So so proud of Aa, Caz and Nim too.. gonna miss them immensely it has to be said. And now we have like 3 weeks to say all our goodbyes. And pack. Oh boy do I have a lot to get organised there!

Celebs in the local paper ha ha.

So that has been the pretty major thing really. Start of the rest of my life and all. But summer has been pretty hectic! And pretty perfect at the same time too (although again it seems to have just whizzed by!) July saw parties, prom and mattress sliding!..

 {Qm girlies }

Summarises our friendship pretty well.

...Not to mention our trip to Ethiopia 4th-18th July which was certainly an experience I'll never forget. It feels so weird looking back at all the pictures now- ask myself did we really do that? I need to hurry up and finish the scrapbook type thing I have been working on to document the whole trip ready to take to uni for when I am need of flashes of inspiration/motivation.

Ha ha this makes me laugh.

Home stretch smiles!

There were also trips to London, the west End and later the Olympics which was absolutely fab. Watching the rhythmic gymnastics you couldn't help but be in awe of these girls (especially when I cannot even touch my toes.)

She can fly!

Got to see my lil cousins too down in Kent which was cute, I miss the lil dudes and their crazy antics. Like our sand dune racing, card games of Président (which they totally cheat in just because I do not understand French properly!) I miss my little Flo. Wonder how she is getting on in 5th grade, big girl now.

Clement et Henri... Looking out to sea.

Then there was the brilliant cruise with Pops, Sarah and my sis. It was luxury. Did not have to lift a finger and had such a wonderful time just lying in the sun/swimming in the pool with not a care in the world apart from working out which direction I should position my body in allign with the sun to maximise my tan ha ha. It was a shame to come home really and would definitely do a cruise again- a new destination everyday what could be better? The day after we returned I hit the post-hol blues hard though and dont think I even managed to get dressed that day.. but however nice a little sunny escape is, there's no escaping reality forever!

The waters of Venice.. before our suitcases took a trip into it's murky depth. Yikes!



Macedonia. Unreal backdrop.

Amalfi, Italy. Plenty of sketchbook inspiration to be found.

The jar of nutella I so desperately wanted from this Italian supermarket. Sadly it remained back on the shelf.

So August was really a time of catching up with everyone and really just doing as much as we can during our last summer together! September is also turning out to be quite manic as we all want to see each other before we start heading off so am out everyday at the moment which is nice. However Sunday is my reserved down time, planning my bubble bath already and a sit down with my new academic diary to get all my dates and butt into gear wahoo. All this stationery shopping has been just too exciting for a normal person ha ha.

Well, it's now time to shake a leg and exit my chamber. Looking forward to a day of chilling with old friends. Not long left now so really got to make the most and just enjoy every minute. 

I promise I will blog again...

but in the meantime, here's one last thing from Ethiopia...

always. X

Tuesday 12 June 2012

One to go

One to go one to go one to go.

(okay this isn't including general studies but shush.)

One to go one to go one to go.

Saturday 9 June 2012

Exams a' loomin

So much for the 'I'll probably be on here more during study leave looking for a distraction..' instead I tend to stare out my window at the tree and just think about nothing. It's quite fun really you should try it.

As for the exams I have no idea where the last four weeks have gone. Really. It's quite scary. Have 2 days left though for some cramming. Tomorrow plan is to finish learning human geog and then Monday will go over history again and again until I practically am Starkey! Praying to god for a friendly paper.. Pretty please. Kind of scary to think about the exam papers locked up in the exam cupboard just waiting for us all. Man I cannot WAIT for next Wednesday. Spending the whole evening watching my friends boxset, decided. Not that the said boxset hasn't had its fair viewing during study leave. 2 epis at breakfast and 2 at lunch... Highlight of my days!

Well anyway I am actually procrastinating now so should probably get back to memorising my historian quotes. Liking this one by Elton talking about Mary: Positive achievements- there were none.
Ooh burn.

Best get on with it! Xx

Wednesday 16 May 2012

4 weeks today

Exams begin!

Luckily spent the day doing human geog notes and pretty much done first unit so happy with that- now just to actually learn it!..

Plan tomorrow shifts to history, as much as I would like to avoid it ha ha, reckon if I don't hurry and do these essays soon (already nearly 2weeks late oops) my teacher might shoot me.

Will certainly be strange going into school tomorrow knowing that don't actually go there anymore. Sad times. But exciting times.. Had a letter from Durham today saying thanks for picking us basically so let's keep those fingers crossed eh...

Adios for now!

Sunday 13 May 2012

lift up your hearts

So, my last proper day at QM has been and gone and boy was it emotional! We all sat there in assembly, tissues in hand, blubbering away- staff included! It's been an AMAZING 7 years and really I don't feel like I am just leaving my school but my home. But somehow don't think I'll ever really leave QM as it will always be something I carry close to my heart.

But enough of the sop because I have done more than enough crying these last few days already! Time now to plough on with the revision, ready for exams in 4 weeks.. At least art is now out the way and at last handed in. Those 15 hours of silence (fortunately not in one go else I'd have exploded) were a killer- I would have the same one line of a song swirling round my head for hours on end... particularly chim-chim-chimeree and Eminem (couldn't get more far apart if you tried).

I did enjoy it in fairness though, although that big pylon I drew was rather stressful to say the least. I was so happy when it was all handed in, practically skipped out the room! And as for unis, made the all important decision of Durham as my firm and StA as my insurance. Now to work hard and get those grades!

So that is that. Reckon these posts may become slightly more frequent now on study leave- because you know how I procrastinate ha ha. Oh good news on that history cwk... remember how I ranted about that... well the stress certainly paid off so kinda proud tbh- not often you hear me saying that, but I have a certain someone to thank for making me realise it is okay to be proud of who you are.

Well, that is all for now I think- should probably get dressed and make something of this last day before my revision really kicks in (hoping this mini-cold is gone by tomorrow!) On the other hand, might as well make the most of this last 'lazy day' and really be lazy ha ha...

QMHS 05-12. Lift up your hearts ♥

love this old pic of the place.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Revision begins

So I keep writing posts and saying I'll fill you in and never do. Also my posts are getting more and more sporadic I know. Ooh note the posh word there ha.
But anyway, life back in action after the fab escape stateside. Next couple of weeks gonna be major stress trying I bring everything together before study leave, not to mention art exam but just trying to enjoy it all as gonna miss ye place so much. The tears already began Friday lunchtime yikes!

Also got major decision to make re universities- Durham or st Andrews.. That is the question!!

I will let you know.. Promise.

Well on with the revision- I am the reason wilkinsons is out of revision cards ha ha ha....

Tuesday 10 April 2012

USofA baby.

Just chilling in Costa @ heathrow waiting for la mere before heading back home after a fab trip to Philly to see the fam.
Now been awake 24 hours and sugar rush from my krispy Kreme doughnut (thought of indulge after the long flight) is starting to wear off... Just called a train carriage a train cabbage..
Ready for a snooze or doh-doh as my cousins call it, but need to try and get back to normal. Well my body clock back to normal at least...

More to follow on the US adventure!

(snap of Central Park, NYC)

Wednesday 28 March 2012


The history coursework is finally COMPLETE. KAPISH. FINISHED. DONE. OVER.

Oh how good it feels to say that. However too tired to celebrate right now, eyes have been drooping for last hour or so, hoping have not missed many major typos in said coursework.

BUT HEY IT IS DONE. And the world seems like a better place ha-ha.

Now. My bed is calling me.

Bisous x

Sunday 18 March 2012

Rainy sunday!

Grey sky cleared but fluffy white clouds remained- perfect for some art snaps!

Off up to dad's house this eve before trip to Durham for the visit day. Quite exciting to meet the people I could possibly be spending the next 3 years with...

Will keep you posted!

Thursday 15 March 2012

where is the time going?

Golly gosh. Break up for Easter two weeks today!
Muchos work to be getting on with in the mean time though... Will get there eventually. Cannot WAIT for the USA babbby- 2 weeks tomorrow here I come woop woop.

Hair is not as bad as I thought it was going to be following my previous drama queen episode haha. Just waiting for my fringe to grow back a bit after taking to it with a pair of scissors. Never good- they weren't even hair scissors...

Today had netball match. Score was 34-1, to us I might add! Rather a good game to be honest!

Re-read one of my fave mantras earlier so thought I would share. Love it:

Experience. Dream. Risk. Close your eyes and jump. Enjoy the freefall. Choose exhilaration over comfort. Choose magic over predictability. Choose potential over safety. Wake up to the magic of everyday life. Make friends with your intuition. Discover the beauty of uncertainty. Know yourself fully before you make promises to another. Make millions of mistakes. Know when to hold on and when to let go. Love hard and often and without reservation. Seek knowledge. Open yourself to possibility. Keep your heart open, your head high and your spirit free. Embrace your darkness along with your light. Be wrong every once in a while, and don't be afraid to admit it. Awaken to the brilliance in ordinary moments. Tell the truth about yourself no matter what the cost. Own your reality without apology. See goodness in the world. Be Bold. Be Fierce. Be Grateful. Be Wild, Crazy and Gloriously Free. Be you. Go now, and live! 

Sunday 11 March 2012

Hair flop

I dyed my hair

Intense chocolate the box said

But now my hair is lighter than my eyebrows and I feel that is never a good look. May go into hiding for a while.

And was feeling so ooh let's dye my hair, I'm in control of my life, independent woman woooh. And now i want to wear a bag over said head instead. At least I can still rhyme.

Okay, dramaqueen strop over. Time for some sleep- maybe will wake up to find the dye has mysteriously faded already...


Wednesday 29 February 2012

Long time no blog

Been a while since I detailed my life to cyberspace...
Would help if I was writing this on my computer and could see when I last blogged, but hey ho I shall attempt to fill you in...
life is good. Particularly thanks to a certain someone :)
trying to live for the moment and not get swept away by the ever looming stress of a levels... However with the realisation that tomorrow is march i.e two months to be taught everything before study leave , then my cheery outlook becomes slightly more difficult haha. But it's gotta be done!

Oh and:
- still working on history cwk after getting my draft back and being told I had kind of answered the wrong question. My bad.
- well into my new art project and actually rather enjoying painting landscapes and taking a break from my own darn face hahah.
- diary writing is going well: kept it up since January- how this yr seems to be whizzing by... Scary stuff dude!
- still waiting to hear from StA so I an go ahead and make my uni decisions
- next week is results day yikes so sure a post will be expected for that night...
-weather having a major hormonal mood episode recently going from snow chaos to 16deg the other day and now apparently snow on Sunday... Don't know if you're coming or going- partly why it's just so fascinating. Well to me anyway!
- got vaccinated for Ethiopia yesterday altho a tad concerned about the credibility of my nurse ha bless. Need to look into some more vacs tho I think..

Well that should be enough for all.
Bis bald!

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could.
Some blunders and absurdities no doubt have crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.

Tomorrow is a new day, begin it well and serenely
and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with
your old nonsense.

This day is all that is
good and fair.
It is too dear,with its hopes and invitations,
to waste a moment on yesterdays."

That is all.

Saturday 18 February 2012


Went for a rather cheery walk this afternoon...

Just reading up on some quotes by the wise Ralph Waldo Emerson, looking for some quotes on nature for my art...

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.

You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Been a while..

Been a pretty busy last few days, but very good at the same time :)
Just got in from school as we had an early close, feeling in an art mood so going to create the front cover of my new sketch book I think. Decided to do the Natural Environment in the end- will be a great break from drawing people (well myself haha). Soon as I saw the option of 'self-image' I thought NO THANKS mate! Had quite enough of myself in art for now ha...
Was meant to be on a trip into Bham city centre today wooh, actually was quite looking forward to it as we were going to go for a chinese buffet at lunch time. Was going to be a very educational day clearly.. But sadly it has been postponed until after half term as our teacher is not very well :( So I did have to go to history after I spent all of last lesson on Friday sitting their smugly as the homeowrk tasks were read out, knowing that I would not have to do it haha. Except I forgot that karma is a biatch... But it wasn't too bad as early close meant lessons were only 45 mins long which is always good!
Righteo. On with the art. Looking forward to watching a bit of Pretty Little Liars as well tonight yes please, and 90210 of course haha. Gotta love Tuesday nights!

Thursday 2 February 2012

Hello freedom

Alors, geog exam is DONE. Perhaps a God did hear my prayers last night as there were no statistics questions. So fingers crossed it went okay- just so happy it's done to be honest! Can forget about it now, until March 8th at least...
But decided tonight would be a cheeky little night off. Spent it looking at dresses and comparing links with friends. Tempted to now go and try on clothes for party this weekend/photo day on Monday whilst I am in this really girly mood haha.

Ciao for now!!

Tuesday 31 January 2012

J'ai fini mon dessin!

I have finished my art!

Now, just to get this geog exam out of the way and life can get back to its full funky swing ha. Had fun gluing my art together tho today, that cow gum is some strong stuff dude. Woohey made me go all funny!
Anyway. Feeling accomplished so going to bask in this temporary glory ha whilst stressing about my lack of geog preparation. There's always resist tho... Touch wood it won't come to that though. Please god.
Tomorrow I shall work hard. No Internet for me during the day, it's a plan...

Monday 30 January 2012

Moody monday

I would like to blame a)the coldness/bleakness that is January and b) the looming monthly visit from nature. Woah, TMI I hear you say. But it's true. As said time of month approaches general misery guts here is to be expected- at least Being a girl we have this excuse due to our uncontrollable hormones.. If a man were reading this he would probably be cursing us women and our favorite excuse. They're just jel...
But anyway came home and had a nice de-stress soak in the bath, followed by a couple cups of tea to keep me going through art work! Now just have one piece to finish in sketchbook and glue the backs to my final piece and then I can say J'AI FINI FINALEMENT. I cannot wait.
I plan for that to be the title of tomorrows post. Keep your fingers crossed!!! Then can plough on with this geog...

Saturday 28 January 2012

50's diner

Had a lovely evening with some of the girls tonight. Glass of wine, food, plenty of gossip and a rather dashing waitor.. doesn't get much better than that. Gutted we didn't his number- may have to be paying it another visit haha.
Also, managed to get quite a bit of my sketchbook work done, with a little bit of geog work in the middle so feeling quite accomplished really! Shall continue this productiveness tomorrow hopefully, although going out for lunch with the Papa. God, why do my weekends mainly consist of me going out to different restaurants?
Also, I now have indigestion.
But life is good.
Night ♥

Thursday 26 January 2012


I do like that word. Summarises my feelings well again this evening. Only had one lesson today, art, so was rather a chilled day at school. Spent way too much time talking as per- god help me in that art exam when I have 15 hours of silence. Thankfully not all in one go- can you imagine?!
But this evening got home late after film club and just felt a bit like curling up and sleeping really! However persevered with the art and got well not very far but personal investigation almost done now. We will get there though, just questionable what state of mind my head will be in by then aha. Just gotta get a grip and plough on. Tomorrow is Friday so smileee! Just a week and it will all be over (for now!)

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Hot bath

Took a nice little hot bath to de-stress but not sure if it worked. Well feel less stressed, but very CBA. Think maybe it was a bit too relaxing!...
Thing is, I kinda said to myself last week that this week would be chaos and I'd be all flibberty-jibberty (stressed) and by saying that, it's like my brain has accepted the fact and I've let myself feel this way just because I said I was... Wow, intense for my online journal ha- you should read my actual diary!

Perhaps more cheery though is the fact I did finish my history coursework, praise the lord. Was rather funny though because just as I was replying to an email saying how I had finally done it, my whole laptop conveniently restarted! Swear computers have a mind of their own which they like to use against us humans. But thankfully only lost 5 mins of proof reading so it was fine. In fact I shall print it now ready to hand in tomorrow, so at least that's one thing off my list done!

Now, I must go and do my history hwk/geography hwk/recorder practice. If I can manage that before 10, I may indulge myself in a bit of Tuesday-night-90210-loving. You know how I feel about that show.

Sunday 22 January 2012


Me again.
Clearly not doing history BUT I have done some art.
Anyhow, was sorting photos for tomorrow's lesson and thought I'd share them.

Wish I still had those big blue eyes!

Those were the days. ♥

over the limit

Fret not, this is not a post concerning alcohol...
No, much less exciting, coursework. Being positive I should be happy that I have met the word count (wooh), however I am still writing about society and need to conclude. Perhaps a little one sentence 'therefore i don't reckon there was really a golden age' will suffice. I think not.
I started off thinking there was perhaps the beginnings of a golden age, but potential, as is often the case, was never lived up to. But the more write I just sound angry about the whole situation and do i have to stop myself from making sarccy comments, as although amusing, not quite sure that is what the exam board is looking for.
Anyway, you might have guessed but this is me once again procrastinating. I have however come to the relaisation that there is no way that this will be done for tomorow, which was the target I set myself. But I have accepted that. New plan is to be done by Wednesday. And then I can focus on my art!
Should probably also be paying some attention to that looming geography exam in two weeks. Yikes.
On with Spain!
(if only you could see my excited facial expression right now.)

N.B sarcasm doesn't always come across on computer screens. Therefore I will point out that above said comment is a lie.

Saturday 21 January 2012

1000 words to go!

Okay so I wasn't planning on posting again now until Sunday and telling you the wonderful news that my history draft is complete...
Well here I am procrastinating because I really don't want to write about Spanish politics in the 16thc... On the plus side, 2500 words done, just the last 1000 to go. Writing the 1000 isn't the issue though, it's staying under the limit- as clearly I am good at waffling...
But hey ho. Gotta be done.
Here goes...

Friday 20 January 2012

Hard bit of toothpaste

Hate it when you start brushing your teeth and you find a lump of hard, dried toothpaste. Ew.
This week has flown by it really has. That means only 13 weeks of school left. (cries.) However, more pressing is the fact that I only have 1.5 weeks until my art deadline/history draft/geog exam. Yikessss! At least this evening I have now completed 5.5/7 pieces (half because background still remaining on one).. Well still got the backs to do as well. Think that will be my target for this weekend. Because silly me also left sketchbook work until the last minute as well. In fact, talking about this is actually making me more stressed so I think I should stop typing haha.
So in other news. Today was quite an eventful day for gossip aha. You'll appreciate that this is not the place to go into detail here though!
Anyhowww, need to get some sleep now. Clearly have a jam packed weekend ahead... I'll let you know how it goes. Wish me luck!!
Happy weekend all ☺

Thursday 19 January 2012

Everyday enlightenment

Someone gave me this article on everyday enlightenment and I found it very powerful. I'm not normally one for this extreme spiritual awareness meditation kinda thing, but this guy really made me think. He just made so much sense. Tempted to by his book really.
"Accept the ups and downs, don’t put pressure on yourself to be positive all the time. If today was good, that’s great, if not, that’s okay."
Been reading some of his stuff online and so many of his quotes just speak volumes to me right now. Could go on and on and start getting all deep about it, but I won't don't worry!
He's main idea though is that sometimes in this very hectic world, we all just need to take a step back sometimes and have a little pause, to realise the importance of life. When you're rushing around stressing, sometimes its easy to lose focus of what really matters and feel overwhelmed by it all. His thoughts fit in very well with my current 'go with the flow' philosophy.
I even got to 2000 words of my history coursework this evening, feeling very at one with the world haha.
Adios, smile.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

History coursework

Will be the death of me I guarantee. So far 1200 words into my 3500 limit, however so far I have only done an introduction and discussed foreign policy. Still got religion, finance, society and politics to throw in. Then conclude. As well as the historiography. And today I managed a paragraph before concluding my work for the night was done as that was just so exhausting! instead I perused the net for a pretty looking prom dress that quest also failed with the one dress costing £140. Bad times.
Tomorrow's plan includes finishing the 6th part of my final piece, perhaps that will be more successful! I did do some geog revision though today, so some faith in me can be restored!
Well, off to sleep now. I will get this history done, I will!
Bonne nuit.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Working Hard!

Haha, that's funny because it's a lie.
These last few days have been pleasantly relaxing, but I think I'm in denial of the mammoth pile of work waiting for me that is not getting any smaller. But at the same time, episode of Pretty Little Liars I just watched was rather amazing. Nothing like a bit of American drama to take your mind off the world!
Plus it is Tuesday and so that means another episode of 90210 tonight and the lovely Liam ♥
In other news, started a diary last night. A diary and a blog I hear you say- bet that will last long! But, I shall have you know that I am determined to maintain the two, I mean this blog is going rather well. A post everyday since I started (and yes I am aware it's only been like 17 days but still!) And my diary will really let me ramble on about those things we call emotions, which really do not belong on the world wide interweb. I'll have someone tracing my IP address and turning up at my door with a straight jacket or something.
Will certainly be interesting in a few years to look back on this very well documented time of my life at least!!

Off to wash the hairs now before I go and indulge myself in some American cheese once again.

Monday 16 January 2012


Hair is in desperado need of a cut- can't believe how much it seems to have grown this last year. Seriously. Am picturing the look on the hairdresser's face though as she attempts to comb through the knotty mess that is my hair. Oops.
Today has been rather chilly. Spent history shivering, using my blazer as a blanket. Made a mental note to myself to wear a jumper, however guaranteed I'll turn up to school and the heating will be on full blast and I'll be left sweating. Always happens!
So I did have an action plan for some major work this evening but well time seems to have escaped me and I have not accomplished much! Contemplating an early night I think. In fact I may just take myself up on that idea and get into bed now. Tomorrow I will work harder, promise...

Sunday 15 January 2012

Easy like a Sunday morning

Well, Sunday morning was actually quite a while ago now considering its nearly midnight, but it was the first tile that came to mind.
Not a lot to report really. Last episode of Sherlock was rather fabulous though tonight, probably highlight of the day haha. You know when you watch something and just feel mind-blown?? Shame we have to wait so long to see the rest- only 3 episodes in the series seems harsh! But I suppose waiting just helps build up the excitement...
So, tomorrow begins another week au college. What now- 14 weeks left? Or is it 13? I really need to stop with the countdown as it isn't helping matters haha. Sad times guys. But prosperous also. We have our futures waiting, so in the mean time, just gotta seize every day. Carpe diem and all!
Right, think it's time I got some sleep.
Bisous xoxo

Saturday 14 January 2012


So, I am attempting to write my history coursework but as you can see it's not going so well as I am looking for any form of distraction. At least I have written the intro... Just another 2000 words to go yay!
Anyhow, so after settling down for some nostalgia last night with my 14 year old self diary, I opened it only to discover that all the pages were missing! Well not all the pages obviously, but all the ones I had written on... Vaguely remember tearing them all out a year or so ago actually... Obviously I didn't want to remind myself of whatever the hell I had written. Oh well, probably best that way!

Now Liz, on with the history. Don't even think about clicking on Facebook again after this... (amazing how easy it is to just waste your time doing NOTHING!)

Friday 13 January 2012

Oh happy day

Well, it's Friday the 13th and waking up to the statistic that women are 64% more likely to have an accident on this day, I didn't have very high expectations to be honest. However, despite this (how they found that out I don't know) and the remnants of a cold- was a pretty darn cheery day! Spent my morning chatting away, my lunch singing (friends would totally not class it as 'singing') high school musical, my afternoon debating the idea of detachable breasts in geography class (don't worry, this was off topic and not part of the syllabus..) My evening at the panto was even rather enjoyable- well done sis you talented thing :)
And, to top it all off, got a nice lil offer from Durham. So happyyy. Just to actually get the grades now!
Been reading some of my old diaries again tonight as was feeling a bit nostalgic. Makes me laugh. Although some of the stuff was quite deep for an 11 year old! However, signing my name with 'Lizzie Rocks' was so not cool. Now I'm immersing myself in 14 year old me's diary. Reckon this one could be a bit of a bumpy ride hahaha.
I'll fill you in tomorrow.
Lizzie Rocks... X

Thursday 12 January 2012

Pyjama day

Yes, I am aware it's a school day. Lasted till about 11.45 until I needed out. Only had the one lesson in the morn and didn't see the point in me sitting about, sneezing and feeling sorry for myself so decided it was best to go home. I was meant to get straight into bed on arriving home, however me being me ended up doing some major art work and a history essay. That's my answer to 'taking it easy hahaha'. Nonetheless, feeling a tad better, and the eyes have stopped streaming now yay. Hopefully be feeling better in the morn- but even if not I need to go in as have important meeting about a certain sleepover (squeal of excitement, followed by sneeze). At least then it's Friday and I can hibernate... Except it's my sister's panto in the evening. Thanks for that, Lord. (sister, if you're reading this, I'm sure ur panto is fab really..)
Anyhow, on with the nail painting and then I really need some sleep!!

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Queen Elizabeth I

Was quite an interesting character to say the least. The rents keep tellin me how I should have taken history but I know (I think) that geography is where my heart lies. however, today, actually felt fascinated reading about her childhood and analysing her experiences. Could see myself writing A book and everything. I could be the next Philippa Gregory hahaha. I wish. But seriously, even checked out amazon for a book on her childhood which says a lot as normally my interest doesnt stray very far from plate tectonics or population change :p so thanks Elizabeth, for having a messed up childhood which has made history seem suddenly exciting. Or maybe it's not the history side but more the psychology analysis I seemed to be doing in great detail.. In which case I am completely doing the wrong thing with my life.
God. Why is life so confusing? No., I am pretty damn sure geography is what I want to do. I love geography- I mean who wouldn't, it's everywhere!! History is fine as a little interest, but it's just NOT geography.

Anyway, so me and my little head are gonna try and get an early night and I'm going to try and stop thinking now.


Tuesday 10 January 2012

j'ai la flemme*

* I cant be bothered ... Sounds much more powerful in French than English.

OMG. so annoyed that I just wrote a post and then deleted the whole thing whilst trying to insert a picture of Matt Lanter to cheer myself up. If he wasn't so hot I would be v angry.
As I did say, before it got deleted, you wouldn't have guessed that I had a rather cheery day today- you know when you just cant help but smile?
But now I am sitting here scowling at my laptop (even more so now) and feeling like just want to sleep for a very long time. Wow, aren't I a bundle of fun.
Anyway, to save myself (and yourself) from the guranteed depressive rant to follow, I am going to shower, as there is nothing better than a cheery little sing-song to make you feel as good as new. Do feel like I'm coming down with something though- probably explain my sudden grr-ness as feel like my throat has sandpaper in.

And then it's time for a bit of 90210 indulgence with the gorgeous (as mentioned) Matt Lanter below. May have to move to California just for this reason...


Monday 9 January 2012

tired, again

Why I felt the need to tell my form tutor I went clubbing for the first time on Friday I don't know. Her remark- oh dear, Walsall... Pretty much summarises the place ha-ha bless.
But seriously, felt so sleepy all day. Took to resting my head against the dado rail in History- was surprisingly comfortable. Nonetheless, I still contributed- suggested how the 'mid-tudor crisis' was just like a mid-life crisis, where there's a little wobble in the middle. Was being deadly serious, but I'll take the laughs.
Talking of funny, couldn't help but laugh at this as I was checking out the Foreign office web page for Ethiopia (really need to stop reading the huuuuuge list of warnings as I'm scaring/yet amusing myself at the same time):

It is common for vehicles to be approached by beggars or vendors. It is now illegal to give money to, or purchase something from, people who come up to cars in the city. If caught, both the beggar/vendor and the vehicle operator may be fined. However, it is common for people, particularly children, to throw rocks at vehicles if their plea for money is ignored.

Ha ha ha. Good luck to us. 

On the art front, have now done 2/7 pieces (which is good since I only started on Thursday, I think!) Have drawn up the 3rd, although mouth is in need of some tweaking. Also started the back of one of them... So all in all a bloomin' long way to go yet! Even with my rose tinted glasses on, difficult to deny this won't be a struggle LOL. <-- that's right, laughing at it all makes it seem some what less stressful! 

Okay, so quick outlook of tomorrow. Bit of human geog in the morn, bit of art, bit of history. Mixed with probably a lot of chatting in between when I should really be doing my history essay. Note to self- DO YOUR HISTORY ESSAY. Also got a lil Ethiopia meeting at lunch, will try not to bring up my findings from the Foreign Office webbie and freak them all out. 

Bonne nuit mes amies. x

Sunday 8 January 2012

Take two

Okay, definitely think all that nail varnish fume is going to my head, wonder of you could get high on it? Although probably not an advisable thing to attempt that.
So, now I am all snuggled up in bed we shall continue with my story of the wild weekend. Friday saw my first trip to the world of nightclubs. Well, Walsall's answer to night clubs anyway. We started off at the pub, got myself some nachos. Best way to start a night off, not gonna lie! Then onto the Sports Bar where I experienced my first shot (sourz, which certainly lives up to its name)!! Then, we braved it and headed off to ws1 where walsall's finest gather to partay. Well, perhaps. not 'finest'- how a man thinks doing the robot whilst attempting to grind against you is attractive to a girl I don't know. Altho, perhaps ws1 is not the place to go looking for a gentleman?...
The night however ended well, munched on a lovely bag of cheesy chips. (do not even want to know my calorie intake from this weekend!) but all in all has been a great experience. And I'm proud of myself, as lame as it sounds. Difficult to explain really but I feel like finally I'm starting to be happy with who I am and ready to just go out there and enjoy all that there is. This probably sounds stupid considering I only went out clubbing, but for the shy girl I was, this is a big thing. Even last night at the Greek restaurant when the belly dancer was getting up people to dance with her, I was one of the few who joined her on the dancefloor, not afraid to shake it on down- and I was quite sober thank you very much!
Here's to tomorrow and another positive week!
Night night x


Felt like doing the nails again today. Used to always hate doing them but recently have been rather enjoying it. Even starting to like that toxic smell which is slightly concerning.. Although little note to self to invest in some nail varnish remover as just adding more and more layers on top of chipped coats cannot be good!
So, currently lying in bed after a rather hectic weekend for me. Perfect time for a bit of weekly reflection je pense. However, my right hand is in need of a gold coating so I shall do that, browse les dents and then get back on here for some double Sunday night blogging action

Saturday 7 January 2012

Partying Greek style

Food has defeated me today! Consumed a pasta bowl, large BBQ pizza (well shared with a friend) and cookie dough desert (i.e heaven on earth) for lunch and that almost killed me off. Currently at a Greek restaurant and had meatballs follows by lamb. Literally about to pop. Having to pull my tights further down my stomach to create some breathing room! Anyhow, more to come later about my adventurous two days. As long as I haven't exploded by then!
So much for a January detox..

Friday 6 January 2012

it's Friday!

(insert cheesy tune by Rebecca Black here.)

The end of another week eh. Where does time go?! Ordered a funky scrapbook for when I leave school which came to go and I wrote on the first page class of 2005-2012...Nearly shed a little tear.. Think that may be a very common thing over these next couple of months!
Anyhow so yesterday I was very non-revealing in my post as was feeling a tad sleepy. But basically, after years and years my ultimate dream has finally come true. Can finally have a sleepover at school. You cannot comprend my excitement for this little event. So so so so cannot wait! Got lots of organising and planning to do- so important that the event date isnt put on social networking sites sent to people etc etc so we don't get a load of random people turning up, ready for the slumber party. But seriously, gonna be SUCH A GOOD NIGHT. AHHHHHH.
See, this is why I will miss my school so much. Call it sad if you want (which some of my friends do!) but I'm not afraid to admit openly that school is like a home to me (awh cheese) and think this will be a lovely memory of my days here. But I wont go all nostalgic just yet- come on dude, we still have another 70 days or something. Making every day count.. or something to that affect anyway!
Anyhow, had another fairly cheery day again today. Learnt a bit of plate tectonics, coloured in a map (livin' up to the geography stereotype there!), did some drawing of moi as a baby (final piece is a go-go!!) and in a couple of hours off out to town in a bit- could a day get any better?? Well, we will see LOL. This is my first time in a club, and in all fairness am a tad reluctant. But that's just me, rather spend the evening chilling in my jammies, bit of good ol' Katy Perry and finish my drawing. However, comes a time when you need to actually go out and LIVE A BIT and so tonight I shall do just that. Relase my inhibitions and get partying! Haha. I'm sure I will have muchos to report tomorrow...
But, life is meant to be enjoyed and there's a first time for everything! Might as well start preparing for uni anyhow!
Roight then, best go and get ready and search out something suitable to wear. Wonder if I should risk taking a bag which I could potentially very easily lose, or just keep money and I.D in my bra. Could send out the wrong message though when I buy my drinks from the bar and start ferreting around in my bra...

Hmm, I'll go find a bag!

Enjoy your Friday night (I shall try also!)


Thursday 5 January 2012

Feelin' sleepy

Today has been a rather good day one has to admit. Done rather a lot of smiling which is always a good thing! And now I'm actually tired! After weeks of not feeling tired until about 2am, I'm ready for an early (okay earlier than before as it is nearly midnight) night.
Will talk more tomorrow as I want to make the most of this sleepiness. Have lots to tell though! Ooh aren't I a tease...
Sweet dreams xoxo

Wednesday 4 January 2012

182 days to go...

...until I go to Ethiopia. Sounds quite a long way like that I suppose, but pretty sure time will fly by (it has a habit of that.) Anyway, even that is not long enough when it's £2000 and you have raised the grand total of £100... It's going remarkably well, clearly! However, did a lil fund raising activity before xmas hols and so hopefully I'll be able to get the money off school from that and I'll be able to make the £500 payment before the 9th Jan. Which I've just realised is Monday. In a word- crap.
Hmm, I'm sure I'll sort something though.. Really feel like I should be more stressed about this little venture than I actually am. Still all feels kinda surreal that it's actually going ahead- didn't think school would actually agree to this idea! (which is one of many crazy ideas of mine I'm sure school would be happy to confirm!) Talking of crazy ideas, put forward a new one today and just waiting to hear what the head thinks... Pretty sure it'll be a no go but was defo worth a shot- would be a dream come true haha. I shall reveal more when I've heard...
All in all, pretty good day though today. Felt like a bit of a zombie in the morn shall we say, despite my excitedness to learn about plate tectonics. Perked up at lunch though after my daily Suso intake- how that claims to count as one of your 5 a day I'll never understand. Did lots of laughing, which is always good- however I do seem to have developed a rather embarrassing seal-like laugh. Will have to try and do something about that one!...
Anyhow, just realised that the reason for my very waffley post is due to the fact I have to write an essay on my art project for tomorrow (thought it was in for Fri, well done me.) So this is me procrastinating. Alors, on with the essay je pense.
Bisous xoxo

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Rainy day.

Weather matches my mood today. Feel like Eeyore with my very own personal rain cloud stalking me..
Anyhow, this mood is not in keep with my new, 2012 positive thinking so, SMILE. 
One benefit of being a girl is definitely being able to blame a fowl mood on 'hormones'!!

Well, it was back to cheery school today- good seeing everyone and feel blessed to be surrounded by such caring people (soppy much).  However, someone kindly pointed out to me we only have FIFTEEN SCHOOL WEEKS LEFT UNITL WE LEAVE FOREVER. Okay, a tad melodramatic but put like that , it's not long at all. Makes me want to well up a bit tbh. But this is why it's so important to 'enjoy each day'- which makes me all the more mad when I spend the day moping -.- Tomorrow is a new day though and finally get to see my bezzie after 2.5 weeks (which is a long time in the world of teen.) 

So, tomorrow, putting my best foot forward and gonna aim for a bit of happy sunshine (hypothetically as this is England in winter and its forecast heavy rain/gusts, again.) it's a new day, a new dawn, and i feeeeeeel good..... Bit of the Bubble there. 

Peace out.

p.s. geog mock was terrible.

Monday 2 January 2012

Last day of the hols!

So, tomorrow it's back to merry school. Actually, in a way kind of looking forward to it and seeing everyone again, although pretty sure this time next week I will be counting down the days until February half term...
First thing in the mozz I have a geography mock (joyous) but apart from that, all is good. Managed to get all my work done today, nothing like leaving it until the last minute! But nonetheless, it's done. Still trying to figure out my final art piece though. Trawling through old pics at the mo and just came across this little thing from a holiday to Malta about 4 years ago now (how time flies!)
Made me laugh though- what a poser...
Have a nice day tomorrow-

Sunday 1 January 2012

Growing up

Feeling rather productive after finishing an art piece on my childhood. It's been really fun, if not slightly emotional, using childhood as the basis of my project. My best friend spends our art lessons laughing at me as I sit getting all nostalgic over my childhood pics. Still not sure of where to go for my final piece yet, but still, getting there.
One of my favorite quotes used in my project: 'Childhood is that wonderful time of life when all you need to do to lose weight is take a bath.'- Richard Zera.
Whilst I'm feeling productive, may go and finish my project on hurricanes. It really shouldn't make me as excited as it does ha... Now, just to keep up this work ethic for the remaining 365 days of this year!

Happy new year

Me and sis before midnight, posing as per.

Check me, two posts in one night!
So, HAPPY 2012. Enjoy- could be our last after all if the world really does end.. Sorry, tend to go all morbid past 1am, sign I should go to sleep really.

Peace out y'all. 2k12 bring it onn, dude.