'We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope '

Sunday, 13 May 2012

lift up your hearts

So, my last proper day at QM has been and gone and boy was it emotional! We all sat there in assembly, tissues in hand, blubbering away- staff included! It's been an AMAZING 7 years and really I don't feel like I am just leaving my school but my home. But somehow don't think I'll ever really leave QM as it will always be something I carry close to my heart.

But enough of the sop because I have done more than enough crying these last few days already! Time now to plough on with the revision, ready for exams in 4 weeks.. At least art is now out the way and at last handed in. Those 15 hours of silence (fortunately not in one go else I'd have exploded) were a killer- I would have the same one line of a song swirling round my head for hours on end... particularly chim-chim-chimeree and Eminem (couldn't get more far apart if you tried).

I did enjoy it in fairness though, although that big pylon I drew was rather stressful to say the least. I was so happy when it was all handed in, practically skipped out the room! And as for unis, made the all important decision of Durham as my firm and StA as my insurance. Now to work hard and get those grades!

So that is that. Reckon these posts may become slightly more frequent now on study leave- because you know how I procrastinate ha ha. Oh good news on that history cwk... remember how I ranted about that... well the stress certainly paid off so kinda proud tbh- not often you hear me saying that, but I have a certain someone to thank for making me realise it is okay to be proud of who you are.

Well, that is all for now I think- should probably get dressed and make something of this last day before my revision really kicks in (hoping this mini-cold is gone by tomorrow!) On the other hand, might as well make the most of this last 'lazy day' and really be lazy ha ha...

QMHS 05-12. Lift up your hearts ♥

love this old pic of the place.

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