'We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope '

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Hot bath

Took a nice little hot bath to de-stress but not sure if it worked. Well feel less stressed, but very CBA. Think maybe it was a bit too relaxing!...
Thing is, I kinda said to myself last week that this week would be chaos and I'd be all flibberty-jibberty (stressed) and by saying that, it's like my brain has accepted the fact and I've let myself feel this way just because I said I was... Wow, intense for my online journal ha- you should read my actual diary!

Perhaps more cheery though is the fact I did finish my history coursework, praise the lord. Was rather funny though because just as I was replying to an email saying how I had finally done it, my whole laptop conveniently restarted! Swear computers have a mind of their own which they like to use against us humans. But thankfully only lost 5 mins of proof reading so it was fine. In fact I shall print it now ready to hand in tomorrow, so at least that's one thing off my list done!

Now, I must go and do my history hwk/geography hwk/recorder practice. If I can manage that before 10, I may indulge myself in a bit of Tuesday-night-90210-loving. You know how I feel about that show.

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